tip week 36/2001:

Many of us mainframe-freaks generally thinks that PC's are no good. On the other hand we cannot imagine life without the 3270-emulator, where we can COPY and PASTE parts of the 3270-screen. It is my impression that the CUT-function is rarely used. I will try to change that with the following tip.

As you may well know the only difference between CUT and COPY is that COPY only copies the screen contens while CUT copies and replaces the screen contens with blanks. Normally CUT fails if some of the screen contens is in protected fields, but it depends on the type of emulator.

In other words you can use the CUT-function to fill in blanks on parts of your 3270-screen. This is especially useful when you want to fill in blanks vertically. Many of you probably uses the space-bar followed by arrow-down and arrow-left and repeating this process a lot of times. This process generally makes your fingers a bit tired. Now you can try the CUT alternative instead.

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