tip week 09/2002:

Sometimes it happens that you have a job that is stuck, because one of the datasets that your job needs is in use by someone else. In this situation you want to find the person or job responsible for your delay. Normally your installation has developed some kind of command to solve this problem by asking GRS (Global Resource Serialization) or you can use the ENQ command in ISRDDN to find the sinner.

There is actually an even faster approach to find the guilty person or job by using standard ISPF facilities. The dataset list in option 3.4 in ISPF provides you with the possibility of deleting a dataset. When you try to delete a dataset this way ISPF will tell you, that the dataset is in use by someone else. If you request help for this message, you get a panel explaining the situation and also that you can request help again if you want to known who actually is using your dataset.

Before using this method you must be sure, that "CONFIRM DELETE" is ON in the entrance panel to option 3.4 because if the person or job meanwhile finished using your dataset, you could risk to delete it.

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