Do you belong to the group of people who swear and curse at the ISF editor when you want to copy the same line to more than one place. This tip will improve your language. It is originally composed by Johnny Mossin, a former consultant of MainframeSupport. I have rewritten it a little bit, but the main idea remains the same.
The following EDIT macro works like this:
The EDIT macro will then insert the line with the label .INS after all the lines containing the search string from the FIND command.
The EDIT macro may contain spelling errors for which I will not be held responsible. The EDIT macro is just a rephrased version of the original EDIT macro and has never been tested. The messages issued by this EDIT macro can be greatly enhanced by using tip uge 33/2000.
When you have seen this EDIT macro work, it will only take you seconds to make your next improvement. I have my own version where the search argument is passed to the EDIT macro and the line or lines to be copied is marked with the C or CC line command. A version only inserting after non excluded lines would be a nice alternative to give you more control over which lines to insert after. And I am sure you can think of other ideas. I will be happy to hear about it.