tip week 19/2005:

Once upon a time I wrote a tip about the HSM command HQ. This lead to a comment from one of my mainframe friends about the HSM operator command Q ACT. This command and other HSM operator commands can be issued directly from TSO without any special authorization. This is done by using the TSO HSEND command. You just issue a TSO HSEND Q ACT to get a total and confusing view of what HSM is doing right now. Unlike the HQ command the HSEND Q ACT tells you what HSM is doing for all users and not just for you. Fortunately you don't see the requests awaiting processing. Otherwise you would get very annoyed with this command.

If you are properly authorized, you can issue any HSM operator command using HSEND. If not you have access to the Query operator commands. They can tell you a lot about HSM if you are interested. Just like any other output from HSM it is not possible to TRAP the output from HSEND either.

If you after reading this tip plans to use HSEND for other commands than Query commands then you should know that HSEND supports the WAIT keyword. WAIT means that HSEND will return control to you when HSM has processed the operator command. If you do a recall from tape using HSEND and WAIT you might just as well take a coffee break.

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