tip week 23/2005:

The ISPF Dataset List also known as DSLIST and 3.4 is a very popular tool. There is one tiny detail, though that is very annoying. Why on earth do we all have to live with the popup that we sometimes get when invoking VIEW or EDIT on a dataset in the dataset list.

Careful and intense field studies has given tremedous results that I am now ready to share with you. First thing is that the sometimes popup doesn't pop up for datasets containing members (also known as PDS's in the good old days). Next thing is that you can actually get totally rid of the annoying popup. To get rid of it your ISPF screen must be the dataset list itself (where you can invoke all sort of strange line commands on a dataset basis):

  1. Choose Options in the menu bar
  2. Choose item 1. DSLIST Settings...
  3. Remove "/" from option "Display Edit/View entry panel (*)"
  4. Press F3

From now on the popup will be history and you will become an even happier DSLIST user. Don't ask me why this popup is the default choice and why it doesn't pop up for PDS's. Ask IBM instead.

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