tip week 19/2007:

The mainframe has always been accused of being closed and other bad things as opposed to being open. This tip is a way of opening up from the mainframe to the socalled open world. It is surprisingly enough extremely easy to get in touch with the internet using FTP from your TSO session. It only requires that the network experts has created a hole to the outside world and that you know the name or IP address of an FTP server.

Start by typing in the command TSO FTP and press Enter. You will be prompted for an IP address or FTP server name. You can skip this initial prompt by using TSO FTP <IP address> eller TSO FTP <FTP server name>. Now you must enter a userid and after another push of the Enter key a password. If you know a valid userid and password to the FTP server you are trying to connect to this is the moment where you are in business. If you are used to the FTP session from Windows or another socalled open platform, you are already familiar with the commands you can use, as they are the same and works the same way. And it is nice to know that QUIT is the command to end the FTP session.

As a mainframe fan I find it extremely satisfying to use the mainframe as an FTP client from which I can surf around on FTP servers around the world. In my mind TSO FTP opens up to a brand new world. Of course you are able to use FTP from REXX and in batch, but this is a big subject that I will skip today. TSO FTP is not described in any TSO manual (that would have been too easy). Instead you can use this link to a not quite up to date version of the manual that describes TSO FTP on the internet. This manual also describes the use of the FTP command from REXX and in batch.

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