Many installations has separated the production MVS systems from their development MVS systems. This separation makes it hard to communicate between development and production. All the production MVS systems are typically joined together in one SYSPLEX sharing the same JES system, while the development MVS systems are joined together in another SYSPLEX/JES system. Fortunately it is extremely easy to submit jobs from one JES system to another. You can utilise this, because there is most probably established a JES connection between your development and production JES systems.
First of all you need to know the JES names of the two JES systems you need to communicate between. The easiest way to find the JES names is by finding the value of the ISPF variable ZSYSNODE on each of the two JES systems. You may use tip week 18/2010 to find the value of ZSYSNODE. Next you need to create a job which you can submit from one JES system to the other. Imagine you are logged on to TSO on a development MVS and you want to execute a job on the production MVS without having to copy the job to a production MVS before submitting it. Assume that the JES name of the production JES is PRODJES2. Then you can start by creating the following job:
You probably need to replace the JOB card in the above job with a JOB card that works on your installation on the production JES system. You also need to replace PROD.DATASET.I.CAN.READ with the name of a dataset in the production SYSPLEX that you are able to read. Now you can submit the job.
Because of the line /*ROUTE XEQ PRODJES2 the job will be submitted for execution on the production JES. When the job has finished the job output automatically will be transferred back to the JES system where the job was submitted from, in your case the development JES system. Now you just enter SDSF or SYSVIEW and browse the job output in the same TSO session as you submitted the job from. On DD card SYSUT2 you can see contents of PROD.DATASET.I.CAN.READ from the production SYSPLEX. I think this is quite clever and simple.
By the way your user must be created in both SYSPLEXes in order to make the above job work. Another nice detail is that the job works no matter what JES system it is submitted to. The /*ROUTE is simply ignored if the name after XEQ is equal to the name of the local JES system.
The above job is only a tiny example of what you can do by using /*ROUTE. When you have grasped the strength of this little JES statement, you will quite fast discover new ways of communicating between two otherwise quite separated JES systems.