tip week 39/2012:

If you ever were in a situation where you wanted to retrieve a timestamp in DB2 format, but you did not have access to DB2, then this tip can help you. The following assembler program called TMSTMP may be called from COBOL or PL/I and return a timestamp in DB2 format. The program is reentrant and can be used in CICS programs. It will also continue to work after the seventh of september 2042 where the original time format called TOD wraps around:

* NAME      : TMSTMP
*             FOLLOWS:
*                         IN THE FIRST 26 BYTES AND THE REMAINING
*                         6 BYTES ARE USED AS WORK AREA.
TMSTMP   CSECT                          MY NAME IS ...
TMSTMP   AMODE ANY                      I CAN LIVE IN HEAVEN..
TMSTMP   RMODE ANY                      ..OR THAT OTHER PLACE
         BAKR  R14,0                    ESA STYLE SAVE
         BASR  R12,0                    ADDRESS THIS CSECT
         USING *,R12                    AH .. ADDRESSABILITY
         L     R2,0(R1)                 R2->TIMESTMP
         TIME  DEC,(R2),ZONE=LT,LINKAGE=SYSTEM,MF=(E,(R2)),            X
         UNPK  13(13,R2),0(7,R2)        D2C OF TIME-PORTION
         L     R3,8(R2)                 MOVE DATE-PORTION ...
         ST    R3,9(R2)                 ... ONE BYTE TO THE RIGHT
         UNPK  0(9,R2),9(5,R2)          D2C OF DATE-PORTION
         LH    R3,4(R2)                 R3=MM
         LH    R4,6(R2)                 R4=DD
         MVI   4(R2),C'-'               PUT DASH AFTER YYYY
         STH   R3,5(R2)                 PUT MM IN CORRECT POSITION
         MVI   7(R2),C'-'               PUT DASH AFTER MM
         STH   R4,8(R2)                 PUT DD IN CORRECT POSITION
         MVI   10(R2),C'-'              PUT DASH AFTER DD
         MVC   11(2,R2),13(R2)          MOVE TT TO CORRECT POSITION
         MVI   13(R2),C'.'              PUT DOT AFTER T
         MVC   14(2,R2),15(R2)          MOVE MI TO CORRECT POSITION
         MVI   16(R2),C'.'              PUT DOT AFTER MI
         L     R3,19(R2)                R3=ABCD
         LH    R4,23(R2)                R4=EF
         MVI   19(R2),C'.'              PUT DOT AFTER SS
         ST    R3,20(R2)                MOVE ABCD TO CORRECT POSITION
         STH   R4,24(R2)                MOVE EF TO CORRECT POSITION
         SR    R15,R15                  RC=0
         PR                             RETURN TO CALLER

I have tried to comment the program after by best abilities. The most important point is that when you call the program from COBOL or PL/I you must call it using an area of 32 bytes. In the first 26 bytes of this area the timestamp is returned. The remaining six bytes are used by the TIME macro as a work area. I could have coded the program with a parameter of only 26 bytes, but then the program had to allocate a work area for the TIME macro. It would have complicated the program and made it a little slower.

If you prefer to call a timestamp program with a parameter of 26 bytes, then you can create a program in COBOL or PL/I which accepts a 26 bytes parameter. In this program you define a local variable of 32 bytes which you use to call TMSTMP. When the timestamp is returned to your program you simply move the first 26 bytes from the local variable to the 26 bytes parameter of the program.

TMSTMP returns a timestamp using the local time (ZONE=LT on the TIME macro). If you want to return the GMT time instead, you just replace ZONE=LT with ZONE=GMT.

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