tip week 38/2001:

Sometimes when I have submitted a lot of jobs I get a little tired of checking all the condition codes, because I have to select all of the jobs and go into the job-output to check it. But this procedure has not been nessecary for quite a long time, depending on the version of SDSF you are using.

In the SDSF list (or queue) called ST (for STATUS) there is a column called MAX-RC. If you haven't rearranged the columns already, you have to scroll left a couple of times before you can see this column. The column contains the highest condition code from the job execution and if it abended the condition code is replaced by an abend code.

If the jobs you are checking gives the same condition code for good as well as bad situations, you still have to look through the job output. I can think of a lot of DB2 utilities giving condition code 4 where sometimes it is OK and sometimes not. Then the MAX-RC column doesn't help. If you haven't used the MAX-RC column before, it is possible to rearrange the columns in the ST list and in this way place the MAX-RC column on the first screen you see when you go into the ST list. You can use the online help in SDSF to find out how to make this rearrangement.

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